A Study on the Commercial Streetscape Design Guideline of the Historic and Cultural Environmental Districts in Ancient Capital Gyeongju
The objective of this study is to provide a townscape design guideline that harmonized with a historic landscape via condition investigation and landscape analysis of the cultural /commercial environment district where an improvement is a necessity. The followings are the conclusions: 1.To enhance the identity of Gyeongju, should pursue diversity in unity by making the image of architectural landscape a similar peculiarity. 2.The central commercial district where the tradition is valued and contemporary figures meet the tradition needs a landscape formation by CONTEXT. 3.Since a characteristic of the target area is a regional commercial center, to reduce its congestion, reforming the area to simple environment is required. 4.Induce buildings located on the streets with cultural properties to have Korean traditional tiled roof in order to fit in with their surroundings. 5.Make it a rule to partition a wall into tripartition, the wall surface exposed should be the same finishing materials. 6.Consider the visual aspect of pedestrians and a building’s width, the recommendable height of the façade should be 3~3.6m. 7.For the design archetype of cornice, four traditional types based on Korean traditional eaves are suggested. 8.The design of signboards should break existing square-shapes, and seek a design to take advantage of icons that historicity and traditionalist of the city are expressed..
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 고도 경주의 역사문화환경지구 내 상업가로경관 현황
2.1 고도의 의미
2.2. 경주 고도경관의 일반적 특성
2.3 상업지역 내 가로변 건축물 현황분석
2.4 주요 가로별 경관 분석
3. 상업가로경관 디자인가이드라인
3.1 디자인 이미지
3.2 상업가로경관 이미지
4. 결론