

Exploiting Convergence of Life with Technology to Tackle Real-Life Problems by Means of Computer Games



Convergence in technology and media makes it possible to augment nurturing by making blended infrastructures with new digital resources available in learning environments at schools. A game-based provision of educationally- valuable content within a collective, virtual environment combined with an analysis of events in the game after it has been played (blended nurture environment) may help to better communicate human values especially where old- fashioned discussion methods fail or do not fulfill the promise of effective, educational institution-based methods of bringing up. In this paper we discuss the use of behavioural metaphors in game-based blended-nurture scenarios for computer games and pedagogical-psychological tests. Upbringing demands an active intervention in the process of children growing up and the courage to place higher expectations on ourselves and our own lifestyles. Decisions and the behaviour of the younger generation are often irrational and the resulting effects can have destructive consequences. Nowadays, games take on the role of modern storytellers. With the help of complex analogies in games, a variety of situations can be depicted in an eye-catching way and later discussed.




  • Robert J. Wierzbicki University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, German
  • Peter Böhnke University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, German


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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