

『애쉬 걸』에서 의식변화의 공간으로서 재와 거울의 역할


The Role of The Ashes and Mirror as The Loci of Shifts in Consciousness in The Ash Girl.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yi, Jae Eun. “The Role of The Ashes and Mirror as The Loci of Shifts in Consciousness in The Ash Girl.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 40.1 (2014): 119-138. This study attempts to examine the role of the ashes and mirror in Wertenbaker’s play The Ash Girl as spaces which reflect Ash’s desperate desire for a change in consciousness. The ashes are ‘Nook’ of repose which encourages remembrance of her past happiness, and replenish her with the energy. The mirror is a ‘Gap’ between dream and reality, a place where Ash comes face to face with the internal confusion. In this way, the ashes and the mirror are psychological spaces which reflect Ash’s desires and anticipate change. Wertenbaker is dealing with the particular ability of the ashes and the mirror, as instruments of revitalization and restoration, to bring about self-development of self-criticism. The Ash Girl shows that space is needed if one is to avoid the danger of getting stuck in the subjectivity and achieve objectivity in self-appraisal. This space actually plays a role in expressing and reflecting one’s own individual consciousness. (Chungnam National University)


 1. 서론
 2. 재: 자아휴식을 위한 몽상과 복원의 ‘구석’
 3. 거울: 의식투쟁을 위한 사실과 환상의 ‘틈새’
 4. 결론


  • 이재은 Yi, Jae Eun. 충남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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