

1910, 20년대 재담에 반영된 근대 전환기의 사회상과 웃음의 사회, 문화적 의미


The Social Reflection of the Transitional Period and the Sociocultural Meaning of Laughter in Jaedam of the 1910, 1920s.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to study a social reflection of the transitional period and a thematic consciousness in Jaedam(才談) of the 1910, 1920s by considering it as the comic figurations of people of Seoul and in the country. This paper also aims to consider an awareness of Seoul and a sociocultural meaning of laughter in the Jaedam. The comic figurations of people of Seoul and in the country are as follows: 1. Country people repeat a mistake when facing Seoul, a symbol of modern civilization. They are drawn as comic because of the mistakes. 2. Seoul people think country people a babe in the woods. So they are trying to deceive country people. Rather, Seoul people are put to shame by country people who are so witty. 3. Seoul and country people make a ludicrous situation because they are behind the times. Social aspects and thematic consciousness reflected in Jaedam of the 1910, 1920s can be summarized as follows: 1. With laughter the Jaedam of the transitional period tried to embrace even mistakes and errors of those who were left behind during the procedure of accepting modern culture. 2. The Jaedam of the transitional period tried to satirize people who have caused inappropriate situations because they had become dull to change of time and sense of life. 3. The Jaedam of the transitional period tried to draw self-reflection to human relations which have been distorted as materialism spreaded. In conclusion, the Jaedam of the transitional period is a form of literature that is to reflects on social issue through the laughter at the time. With laughter, the Jaedam had maintained balance between criticism and sympathy. This balance is sociocultural meaning of the laughter in the Jaedam of the transitional period.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 1910, 20년대 재담 자료에 나타난 서울 사람과 시골 사람의 희극적 형상
 Ⅲ. 근대 전환기 재담에 반영된 사회상과 주제의식
  1. 근대 문물의 수용과 소외된 인물에 대한 포용
  2. 지식 체계의 변동과 독단적 인물에 대한 풍자
  3. 물질 풍조의 확산과 왜곡된 인간관계에 대한 반성
 Ⅳ. 결론을 대신하여 - 재담에 나타난 웃음의 사회, 문화적 의미


  • 박영민 Park, Yeong-min. 서울대학교 국어국문학과 박사수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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