

개화기 서울의 문화 유통 공간 - 광통교 일대의 서화(書畵)·도서(圖書) 유통을 중심으로-


Culture Circulating Space in Seoul during Pre-modern Era - Focused on Circulating Painting and Books around the Area of Gwangtonggy -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Seoul has been the heart of Korea’s culture center of the country from Choseon Dynasty. Especially, during the pre-modern era, the aspect of Seoul as a culture circulating space remarkably increased. The cultural community in the pre-modern era showed totally different aspects in comparison with previous cultural situations. It was the area of Gwangtonggyo that most represented such a changing aspect. The major reason why the area of Gwangtonggyo played a central role in consuming and supporting culture was that most culture patrons resided in the area in the pre-modern era. Moreover, the aspects of commercial city in the area of Gwangtonggyo contributed to establishing a cultural tendency during the pre-modern era. The area of Gwangtonggyo in the pre-modern era was the center of producing, consuming and circulating culture. A space for circulating painting and calligraphy as a modern meaning based on Ji-Jun located around Gwangtonggyo was established and publishing and circulating books began increasing. Such an aspect in the area of Gwangtonggyo gradually expanded to the whole area of Jongro. 서울학연구 LI I I (2013. 11) 93Around Gwangtonggyo, various modern culture was produced and went on sale and a vital interaction among cultural personages, art sponsorship activities, and energetic art and literature activities of dominant figures of the time appeared. Therefore, the area of Gwangtonggyo in the pre-modern era is considered to build a status as ‘a space for circulating painting and calligraphy.’This study attempted to examine the track of a culture circulating space in Seoul during the pre-modern era, exclusively limiting to the area of Gwangtonggyo. The purpose of this study includes exploring the aspects of a culture circulating space and making an effort to reinterpret the history of Seoul as a center of culture.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 광통교 일대의 연혁
 Ⅲ. 문화 후원층의 세거지
 Ⅳ. 서화·도서 유통 공간
  1. 서화 유통 공간
  2. 도서 유통 공간
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김취정 Kim, Chwi-Jeong. 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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