

경성 배경 아편 서사의 인물과 공간 표상


The Representation of a Character and a Space in the Opium Narratives with a Gyeongseong Setting


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The opium narratives with a Gyeongseong setting in 1930s represent an opium addict as a patient. The stigma of an opium addict represents their lives uniformly and resultingly. Let’s have a look at all sides of an opium addict, they were an intellectual, a rich person’s child, an employee, a gisaeng, a libertine, and so on. Once they were branded as opium addicts,their social existence were disappeared. They were converged as not individual beings but beings without a difference. They were perceived as time-limited beings and parasitic beings. They were regarded as dangerous characters and potential criminals. After they lost a living foundation, they wandered hospital and ended up homeless people. Significant numbers of opium addicts were not received care, and they did not dare to return to society by a rehabilitation. Finally, they got a cold reception and met miserable death. In 1930s, opium addicts in colony city Gyeongseong were marginal people who were expelled from the home, the family, and the society. They showed clearly the historical condition of colony city Gyeongseong. Opium addicts were the gloomy portraits of colony Gyeongseong in 1930s. The tragedy of colony city Gyeongseong which lost a historic view and were robbed a living foundation, were apparent in the life of opium addicts. Opium addicts were poisoned in opium dens and injection houses, and they were treated in public clinics and private clinics. But most opium addicts were not treated properly,and were in a state of total neglect. They rushed in Sajik park in Gyeongseong. An altar to the State deities was a holy ground of Joseon Dynasty, but by being developed under the cloak of modern city park, was desecrated a national identity. Sajik park showed clearly a coloniality of Gyeongseong. After all, the opium narratives with Gyeongseong Setting in 1930s offer of beginning which represent coloniality by a character and a space.


I. 머리말
 II. 아편중독의 실태와 그 대책
 III. 아편 서사의 인물 표상
  1. 타락한 도시 건달
  2. 하층민 여성 혹은 상품화된 몸
  3. 전향 지식인의 마음의 폐허
 IV. 아편 서사의 공간 표상
 V. 맺음말


  • 박장례 Park Jang-Rye. 순천대학교 시간강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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