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금원산 자연휴양림 내 들쥐류의 종 분포 및 특성


Species Distribution and Characteristics of Wild Mice in Mt. Keumwon Recreational Forests

이총규, 강영민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To provide basic information for wildlife management, we investigated the distribution and ecology of wild mice in Mt. Keumwon recreational forests. The trapped wild mice were a total of 4 species such as Eothenomys regulus, Apodemus speciosus peninsulae, Apodemus agarius, and Crocidura suaveolens. A total of 79 individuals from four species were trapped. Number of Eothenomys regulus was the highest as 41 individuals followed by Apodemus speciosus peninsulae of 31 individuals, Apodemus agarius of 4 individuals, and Crocidura suaveolens of 4 individuals. Depending on forest type, 51 individuals were captured in broad-leaved forests, whereas 28 individuals were captured in coniferous forests. Average weight of the trapped Eothenomys regulus, Apodemus speciosus peninsulae, Apodemus agarius, and Crocidura suaveolens was 37.13 g, 36.29 g, 31.25 g, and 15 g, respectively. Among the trapped wild mice, vole which has the largest head and ears were Eothenomys regulus and vole which has the longest tail was Apodemus speciosus peninsulae and Apodemus agarius (p<0.5). This study might be valuable to control and predict some damages related to wild mice in Mt. Keumwon for protecting forest trees.


 재료 및 방법
  조사지 개황
 결과 및 고찰
  조사구별 산림환경
  들쥐류의 종 분포
  임상별 종 분포
  들쥐류의 체중
  들쥐류의 생태
 감사의 글


  • 이총규 Chong Kyu Lee. 경남과학기술대학교 산림자원학과
  • 강영민 Young Min Kang. 한국한의학연구원 한약연구본부 한약자원그룹


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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