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낙엽송 개벌 임분에서 타워야더를 이용한 전목수확시스템의 작업비용 분석


Harvesting Productivity and Cost of Whole-Tree Clear Cutting Using a Tower Yarder in a Larix leptolepis Stand

조민재, 조구현, 오재헌, 한한섭, 차두송

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The productivity and cost of clear cutting operations were examined to broaden our knowledge on the harvesting system in a Larix leptolepis stand of Korea. The harvesting system was divided into tree operations which were chainsaw (STIHL MS440) felling, tower yarder (Koller301-4) yarding and harvester (WOODY H50) processing. The average cycle time of felling, yarding and processing were 98 s/cycle, 245 s/cycle and 150 s/cycle. The total stump-to- pile operational productivity was 43.07 m3/hr. The highest production activity was the felling 17.93 m3/hr, followed by the productivity of processing 15.62 m3/hr and then by the productivity of yarding 9.52 m3/hr. In addition the total stump- to-pile operational cost was 24,086 won/m3. The highest cost activity was the yarding 14,557 won/m3 (60.4% of the total cost), followed by the costs of processing 8,461 won/m3 (35.2%) and then by the costs of felling 1,068 won/m3.


 재료 및 방법
  조사지의 개요
  전목수확작업시스템의 개요
 결과 및 고찰
  수확시스템 분석


  • 조민재 Min-Jae Cho. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학
  • 조구현 Koo-Hyun Cho. 국립산림과학원 생산기술연구소
  • 오재헌 Jae-Heun Oh. 국립산림과학원 생산기술연구소
  • 한한섭 Han-Sup Han. 험볼트 주립대학교
  • 차두송 Du-Song Cha. 강원대학교 산림환경과학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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