

Heart+슬픔과 그 복합성


Metaphors and Metonymies of Heart+Sadness and Their Complexes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is twofold: One is to present and characterize the English metaphors and metonymies of heart+sadness starting from the metonymy of heart-sickness and the metaphor of sadness in Kövecses (2000); The other is to show their various complexes based on Ruiz de Mendoza & Galera-Masegosa (2011). Heart+sadness metonymies are connected in terms of cause and effect. Most source domains of the sadness metaphor are found in heart+sadness except for coldness, darkness and insanity. Some heart+sadness, whose source domains are the opponent, the social superior, the fluid, the living organism, the captive animal, and natural force, are conceptually stable in that the conceptualization of [HEART] is definite and its relation with sadness is clear; Some others, whose source domains are physical force, sickness, and lack of life, are rather flexible in that the conceptualization of [HEART] is not definite, or its relation with sadness is not clear. Complexes of heart+sadness expressions are diverse with chained metonymy, metonymy within metaphor, chained metaphor, and metaphor amalgam.


I. 머리말
 II. 기존 연구
  2.1 [HEART]의 개념화
  2.2 복합표현의 유형
 III. heart+슬픔
  3.1 가슴아픔에 기초한 표현
  3.2 감정 및 슬픔은유에 기초한 표현
 IV. heart+슬픔의 복합성
 V. 맺음말


  • 조영순 Youngsoon Cho. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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