

영국 식민지 경영의 두 얼굴 — 코난 도일의 탐정 소설에 나타난 귀환자들의 성격분석


Two Faces of British Empire : The Characters of Returns in Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Characters in Sherlock Holmes series are connected with the British Empire that controlled the land and the people of uncivilized countries. The characters return to their homeland with dismally distorted figures, or with fame and riches acquired from the conquered. Conan Doyle shows his cool-headed attitude towards two distinctive groups. In the novels, any people included these two groups is not saved from their wicked acts in the uncivilized country, England.
Doyle’s objective stance towards cases comes from his belief in British Empire. He believed that, though British Empire suffered from some difficulties coming from the management of the empire, the difficulties should not affect the tranquil lives of England. With the belief in the stability of British, two group’s characters, victims and murderers, should be removed in the world of Sherlock Holmes.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 코난 도일의 제국관
 III. 피해자와 가해자: 귀환자의 두 얼굴
 IV. 맺는말


  • 문상화 Sangwha Moon. 광주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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