This study examines Han and Kim’s (2004) proposal that the source sentences of double relative clauses in Korean are those contained in multiple nominative constructions (MNCs). We revisit their MNC-based analysis and discuss their claims with respect to the main features of MNCs: the characteristic property condition, coindexation, case-stacking, and Subject-to-Object raising, all of which are required to form legitimate MNCs. We first summarize Han and Kim’s study, describe the above-mentioned four fundamental characteristics of MNCs, and discuss how valid their MNC-based analysis of Korean double relative clauses is. Although further research likely sheds more light on this topic and other relevant issues, their MNC-based claim regarding what seems to be a double relative clause structure, as our discussion illustrates, appears to be quite tenable.
II. MNC-Based Analysis of Double Relative Clauses
III. Multiple Nominative Constructions
IV. Double Relative Clauses and Multiple Nominative Constructions
V. Conclusion