

The Circulation and Variation of the Life in Richard Powers’ The Gold Bug Variations


Taejeong Song

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay illustrates how Richard Powers' Gold Bug Variations (1991) recreates the discourse of the “genome,” and connects this to other fragmentary objects to create new ideas through circulation and variation of the “language of life.” While others have examined the novel's relationship to aesthetics, I focus on the author's use of “information theory and scientific systems” to explain the development of genomic research as an interdisciplinary phenomenon. I address how scientific theories and their modes of articulation have evolved so that one scientist's theory or hypothesis will be decoded by the next generation. This causes a consistent movement at the center of scientific focus when each new discovery is made. Powers wants to explore the genome and history of the genomic study from the archaeological standpoint of knowledge, and more importantly, the current historical moment, in which the infinity of the genome is articulated through the cybernetic metaphor. By weaving multiple discourses on linguistic and non-linguistic fields with Bach's Goldberg Variations, Herri's art, biology, and computer science, he shows the development of biology from modern to post-modern through cybernetic metaphors and advanced technologies.


I. Introduction
 II. Powers’ Discourse between Literature, Music, Art and Science
 III. Circulation and Variation in Music and Genome
 IV. Generating the Discourse of Polysemy
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Taejeong Song Sehan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1The Discourse of Life : Richard Powers' Gold Bug Variations네이버 원문 이동
  • 2송태정. 「문학과 유전체 내러티브—리차드 파워스의 골드 버그 변주곡 」. 영어영문학 53.2 (Summer 2007): 243-60.
  • 3“A Head for Music.” The New York Times. (Jan. 8, 2006): 4: 14. Op-ed article on the efforts of researchers to gain insight into Mozart's genius via scientific analysis of his putative skull. 898 words.
  • 4"Nostalgia for the Whole and the One" in "The Gold Bug Variations"네이버 원문 이동
  • 5Our genome unveiled.네이버 원문 이동
  • 6Bodky, Erwin. The Interpretation of BACH’s Keyboard Works. Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1960.
  • 7Boyd, Malcolm. BACH. New York: Vintage, 1987.
  • 8Boyd, Malcolm and John Butt. J. S. Bach. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.
  • 9Boyd, Richard. “Metaphor and Theory Change: What is “metaphor” a metaphor for?” Metaphor and Thought. Ed. Andrew Ortony. Chapter 21. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.
  • 10Capra, Fritjof. The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems. New York: Anchor, 1996.

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