

포스트휴먼 진화—사이언스 픽션을 통해 본 인간과 인공 피조물과의 진화적 관계


Posthuman Evolution : Evolutionary Relationships between Human Beings and Artificial Creatures in Science Fiction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



aking advantage of selective science fiction texts, this essay attempts to establish a genealogical link of artificial creatures that have made human beings anxious about a future with them and show how the posthuman view of co-evolution with the creatures can be articulated in such a genealogical flow. The essay assumes that human beings desire for God’s capability of creating intelligent creatures and also worry about God’s punishment for the desire. Yet in the posthuman genealogy of artificial creatures, it is the artificial creatures, not the God, who punish the human desire for creation. This thought reflects human beings come to face a new stage of evolution, symbiotic evolution with artificial beings. The golem in Jewish legends and Frankenstein’s monster have contributed to spreading the idea that artificial creatures would be a competitor of humans in their evolution. Science fictions since the two creatures have striven to configure the direction of human evolution in terms of the competition, which would get more serious as technoscience blurs the boundary between humans and non-humans: science fictions stage the question of “what it means to be human” by foregrounding humanized machines and machinized humans. Some texts anxiously depict artificial creatures’ win over humans in the evolutionary competition to warn humans against the thoughtless development of technoscience, and others suggest the co-evolution of the human and machine to affirm the impossibility of changing the evolutionary direction in our technoscience. The essay argues that the claims of superhuman witnessed in recent science fictions and cultural studies are the affirmation of the co- evolution of humans and artificial beings—or, technoscience in general. Indeed, it is the posthuman attitude toward evolution.


I. 열기
 II. 생명의 숨결: 신, 인간, 그리고 인조 괴물
  A. 골렘: 신화에서 과학으로
  B. 프랑켄스타인의 괴물: 괴물과 인간의 경계에서
 III. 기계인간: 인간과 기계의 전쟁
  A. 주인과 노예: 로봇 윤리학
  B. 인간의 종말: 인간과 기계 전쟁의 끝
 IV. 인간기계: 포스트휴먼시대
  A. 포스트휴먼시대: 사이보그, 그 혼란스러운 경계
  B. 공존, 그리고 파트너쉽
 V. 메타맨: 미래를 사는 우리


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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