

3D Image and Sound Control Method for User-Perceived 3D Feeling and Functional Game Optimization




Functional games are games that combine play and study together, and this genre is consolidating its position as a new alternative that has the potential to transform the industry. Functional games are an excellent tool for attaining specific goals such as increasing concentration levels and learning abilities by capitalizing on the entertainment nature of games. Moreover, the scope of use for functional games is becoming increasingly diverse, ranging from specialized domains such as medical support, medical learning, military simulation, health, special education, and learning tools for everyday education and well being. To optimize 3D multi-dimensional functional games’ benefits, this paper presents an analysis of the level of 3D feel perceived by users regarding 3D depth level, distance and location. Moreover, to ensure the optimization of the user’s concentration levels and engagement with the games themselves, this paper proposes a system that provides sound effects that incorporate ultrasonic waves’ auxiliary sounds to be integrated with traditional sound effects. When the recommendations of this paper are implemented, it is possible to select the distance and the location that are optimal for viewing in 3D, and it is hypothesized that optimization of user benefits concerning functional games will be enabled through auxiliary sound effects.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Effects of the Sound of Ultrasonic Waves on the Human Body
 3. User-Perceived 3D Feeling Analysis Following Location and Distance
  3.1 Environmental Factors
  3.2 Methods
 4. Functional Games Benefit Optimization Technique Using Ultrasonic Waves’ Auxiliary Sound
  4.1.1 Frequency Shift Operation
  4.2 Experiment Environment and Method
 5. Experiment Results
  5.1 Analysis of the time when the feel for the three-dimensional effect started
  5.2. Analysis of the time when users stop feeling the three-dimensional effect
  5.3 Analysis of functional game’s benefits (concentration and immersion levels) following visual and hearing stimulation
 6. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Hoon Shin School of Information Technology Eng, Catholic University of Dae-Gu, Korea
  • Seong-Jun Lee School of Information Technology Eng, Catholic University of Dae-Gu, Korea


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