

Three-Phase Static Var Generator Based on Z-Source Network



In order to improve the work reliability of three-phase static var generator and reduce requirements of its inverter circuits on the DC-side voltage, the three-phase static var generator combined with Z-source network is designed based on the Z-source network topology theory. Through analyzing the working state of the main circuit, system simulation model is built by using simulation software Simplorer. Simulation results show that static var generator based on the Z-source network has lower requirements of capacitance and voltage of the inverter circuit on DC-side and better voltage and current compensation waveforms than the traditional static var generator. The results further support that the three-phase static var generator based on Z-source network has higher reliability and better compensation effect.


 1. Introduction
 2. Working State of SVG based on Z-source Network
 3. Total Design of SVG System
 4. Establishment of Simulation Model
 5. Simulation Results and Analysis
 6. Conclusions


  • Yang Dongyang School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science & Technology, Harbin, China
  • Li Wenjuan School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science & Technology, Harbin, China
  • Cheng Jingsi School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Harbin University of Science & Technology, Harbin, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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