

Structure and Vibration Analysis of Solenoid Pump for Two-way Hydraulic Control




A solenoid pump is a reciprocating piston pump that moves linearly by the aid of a piston cylinder attached at the linear motor axis which carries out a reciprocating motion. Generally, a solenoid pump is a pump utilizing a magnetic plunger of magnetic substance and an electric induction coil. A solenoid pump model for the hydraulic pressure that can control bi-directionally and can generate a high pressure is proposed in this study. The design parameters for the parts of the solenoid pump used for hydraulic pressure are studied using a numerical analysis method. After selecting an adequate solenoid model, the magnetic force and magnetic density on the model are estimated by electromagnetic force analysis. Based on the obtained magnetic force and magnetic density, a structural analysis of the model is performed. Also, design parameters are obtained for the robust design by vibration mode analysis to avoid resonance effect on the key parts of the system. The results of the vibration mode analysis and FFT analysis are proposed in the design of new products.


 1. Introduction
 2. Solenoid Pump Model
 3. Magnetic Analysis Results
 4. Structure and Vibration Analysis Results
 5. Conclusion


  • Key-Sun Kim Div. of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Kongju National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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