

Spatial Analysis the Potential for Energy Generation from Crop Residues in Shodirwan, Iran



The purpose of this study was to analyse the spatial potential of crop residues with geographical information system (GIS) to generate energy in Shodirwan region, Iran. The available agriculture residues in Shodirwan were bagasse, sugarcane top, rice husk and straw of wheat, barley, bean, rice and mung bean. Results show that the total of crop residues that generated in this region was 1038525 tonnes/year and 668128 tonnes of them was available residues. The total potential of energy generation from available residues was 969589405 kWh/year that sugarcane residues have the highest share with 79.15%. Potential of energy generation from processing and field residues was 511946175 and 457643230 kWh/year, respectively. Spatial potential of residue to generate energy was calculated between 2900 to 61000 kWh/hectare/year. As a result of using energy of crop residues in Shodirwan, mitigation potential of CO2 emission was 554605 tonnes/year.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methods and Materials
  2.1. Study Area
  2.2. Potential of Crop Residues in Shodirwan
 3. Results
 4. Conclusion


  • A. Asakereh Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, School of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran
  • M. Omid Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, School of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran
  • R. Alimardani Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, School of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran
  • F. Sarmadian Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, School of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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