

A Temperature Based Automatic Power Controller for Electrical Devices



In this paper, a controller is proposed to design in such a way that it can be able to control the input voltage as well as power to any load or electrical device not only manually i.e. through the computer but also automatically i.e. based on temperature. We propose this design for the reason that a part of the electrical appliances are needed to control the input power for getting the desired output from those which depend on the variation of temperature. Sometimes equipments can be needed manual control. For this purpose, computer controlling is also inserted here rather than supplying manpower. In this design, the voltage control technique is used to control the power to the load. Here, the output of the controller will vary on the sense that the variation of the surrounding temperature selects the relay which is connected to regulating coil to control the output voltage as well as power. The main specialty of this research is to maintain enhanced precision and hysteresis without harmonics in output variation.


 1. Introduction
 2. Design Overview
 3. Procedure of the Hardware Design and Circuit Operation
 4. Computer Controlled Operation with Parallel Port
 5. Performance Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Md. Murshadul Hoque Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Shariful Alam Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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