

Compatible MPID Optimal Controller for Flexible Operation of Two Link Manipulator



Robotic arms or manipulators are interrelated to electro mechanical modulations criteria’s. The controls of this type of manipulators are very authentic and difficult too. For flexible operation of robotic manipulators, controlling should be required for their tip vibrations and torque responses. In this article we initiate the proto type differences between responses of torques with PID Controller in open loop as well as in closed loop condition. For the closed loop, the physical phenomenon of PID Changes named as Modified PID Controller. The MPID Controller provides better performance rather than open loop PID at far end of two link Manipulator arm. The Electro mechanical modeling of the two link manipulator was done by using State Space technique named as an M-File. The entire graphical representations are providing by using MATLAB/Control tool box.


 1. Introduction
 2. PID Controller
  2.1. Control Loop Basics
  2.2. PID Controller Theory
  2.3. PID Control Parameters
  2.4. Cascade Control
  2.5. Physical Implementation of PID Control
 3. Controllability & Observability
  3.1. Controllability
  3.2 Observability
  3.3 Duality Property
 4. Simulation of Open Loop Two Link Rigid Manipulator using PID Controller
 5. Simulation of Two Link Rigid Manipulator using MPID Controller
 6. Results and Discussions
 7. Conclusion


  • Ramesh.Gamasu Research Scholar, Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, St.Anns College of Engineering & Technology, Cherala (A.P), India
  • Malleswararao Mallavolu Research Scholar, Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, Prakasam Engineering College, Kandukur (A.P), India


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