小島嶼におけるジオパーク構築の可能性 - 日本国鹿児島県三島村のジオパーク構想に関する実践的研究 -
Geotourism is a new form of tourism, and the potential of constructing a geopark wasexamined with respect to a small-sized community facing with aging and depopulation¾theMishima village in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Among the associate members of theJapanese Geoparks Network aiming at the authorization of geoparks, only the Mishimavillage consists of islands as of September 2013. The present study is the first to address,at least in Japan, Korea, and China, the issue on the potential functionality of geotourismin small islands. Qualitative action research by a hearing investigation was conducted tocollect views about the Mishima village geopark concept from Mishima village office staffand Satsuma Iojima residents. The present study revealed the theoretical potentiality of theconcept, the small island’s advantage of being a “gateway for socioeconomic vitalization.”based on spatial completeness. Geopark and geotourism can be geoecological approachesthat contribute to the formation of a sustainable community and sustainable tourism insmall islands.
I. Introduction
1. Issues and the objective of the study
2. Current reality
II. Definitions of geopark and geotourism
1. What is “geopark”?
2. What is “geotourism”?
III. Hearing investigation on the Mishima village geopark concept
1. What is the Mishima village geopark concept?
2. Results of the hearing investigation
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusion