

<쿵푸 팬더> 시리즈 사례연구를 통해 본 아동 대상애니메이션 번역 전략


Translation Strategies for Children's Animation Films: A Case Study on Kungfu Panda Series


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Children are a specific group of readers as they differ from adultsin many ways because they are still developing both physically andmentally. Children also have a limited reservoir of words to expressthemselves and to understand others fully. As with any otherproducts or services for children, animation films and theirtranslations need to take such differences into account in order toperform their intended function. This study aims at examining how translation of animation filmsaccommodates such specificities of children as the main audienceand discuss what needs to be further done. For the analysis, thesubtitled and dubbed translations of Kung Fu Panda 1 and Kung FuPanda 2 are reviewed. The analysis reveals several translationtechniques that are used to help children understand the moviebetter and to make the movie more entertaining; using simple andplain language, making pronouns and contextual informationexplicit, inserting new wordplay into places where no wordplay isfound, using slangs/vulgar expressions and buzzwords, and utilizingsound or mimetic words. Given the characteristics of children, someof these techniques demand a more careful approach while otherspresent opportunities to meet the specific needs of children. As in other translations, many elements influence the translation ofchildren's animation films. Among them, the readers (i.e., children)should be given priority in determining the translational strategiesbecause children, unlike any other groups of readers, have verydistinct characteristics as well as a larger potential to be affected bythe translation outputs.


 1. 들어가기
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 아동 발달과 애니메이션
  2.2. 번역의 목적성과 아동 독자
 3. 분석 및 결과
  3.1. 이해용이성을 위한 번역 전략
   3.1.1 어역을 고려한 어휘 사용
   3.1.2. 명시화
  3.2. 재미를 더하기 위한 번역전략
   3.2.1 언어유희의 삽입
   3.2.2 비속어 및 유행어의 사용
   3.2.3 의성어·의태어의 활용
 4. 나가기


  • 오미형 OH, Mi-hyung. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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