A Study on the Revitallization of the Urban regeneration in Local cities : Focuse on Regenertation of Railroad Station Areas
This study focused on medium-sized cities hypothesis assumes that the formation of cities railroad station areas maintenance and development practices through a local small area of the city was derived ways to activate play. The existing commercial capabilities railroad station considered for acceptance through the careful use function setting is required as part of an existing commercial space, and uses functions and Application maintenance is required. transportation to the basic features of a variety of square and solid deck and walk way with the introduction associated with convenient access to the mixed use development as the core should be planned.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 역세권의 개념 및 공간적 범위
2.2 역세권 개발유형 및 역세권 재개발사업의 계획특성
2.3 도시정비사업의 특성에 따른 분석의 틀
3. 국내외 역세권 재개발 특성 분석
3.1 개발주체 및 사업방식
3.2 역세권 수용기능
3.3 교통연계체계 및 보행연계방식
4. 결론