A Study on the Case Study of the Utilized on the Child-Care Center Use of Close Dong office
The lack of facilities for Child-Care Center based on ageing issues and the role of the Dong office building due to the implementation of e-Government reduced occurrences of lung Dong office building, at the same time, the issue of how to address and take advantage of the current situation of the Women’s social participation. this study relates to the segmented by way of dissertation, Seoul City Hall's internal resources, the statistics issued by government agencies and building law enforcement through the facilities and take advantage of the situation and the criteria concerning the lungs Dong office building literature survey and collected on the basis of internal materials, material analysis, and this study is concluded as follows.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 범위 및 방법
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 폐동청사에 관한 고찰
2.2 보육시설에 관한 고찰
3. 사례조사 및 분석
3.1 사례지 개요
3.2 보육시설 공간 구성
3.3 일반보육시설과의 비교분석
3.4 규모별 1인당 공간 면적 및 면적구성
4. 결론