

宣祖 年間의 「實錄印出廳題名記」에 관한 硏究


A Bibliographic Study on The Directory of Printing Office for Sillok

선조 년간의 「실록인출청제명기」에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the Joseon dynasty, after editing and printing the Chronological Annals(실록), the Bureau of State Records(춘추관) enshrined these Annals at the Library in the palace and other 4 libraries on the steep mountains, and then washed the manuscripts of the Annals. The officials who edited the Annals were entertained twice for the appreciation of their work: firstly bestowed by the king and secondly after washing the manuscripts. They edited The Directory of the Compilation Office for Sillok (실록청제명기) in the Bureau of State Records. The officials recorded on The Directory of the Compilation Office for Sillok were endowed prizes. The same directory was either recorded at the end of the Annals or published as a monograph with the title of The Directory of the Compilation Office for Sillok (실록청제명기). This paper was intended to study the historical background of editing The Directory of the Compilation Office for Sillok and its contents. For the first step The Directory of the Printing Office for Sillok (실록인출청제명기) published in the reign of King Seonjo was analyzed. It is proved that The Directory of the Printing Office for Sillok must be the oldest extant book among the directories of the Compilation Office for Sillok, and those directories began to be published since the early Joseon dynasty. This particular directory was titled The Directory of the Printing Office for Sillok, because the officials participated only in printing, but not in editing. It simply included their full official titles and full personal names. As time passed, the contents were added such as the adult name, year of birth, year of passing the state examination, ancestral home, hours of duty and the business under his charge.


조선시대에는 실록을 편찬할 때마다 이 실록을 춘추관사고에 봉안하고 이어 세초한 후 세초연과 정부연을 열어 실록찬수의 노고를 위로하였다. 또한 실록편찬에 참여한 관원 의 명단을 작성하고 여기에 수록된 관원들에게는 차등있게 상을 내려주었다. 이 명단이 실록 말미에 수록된 경우도 있고, 별도 단행본으로 「實錄廳題名記」를 간행한 경우도 있다. 본고에서는 「實錄廳題名記」 편찬의 유래와 내용을 밝히고자 먼저 「實錄印出廳題名記」 를 분석하였다. 결과로 「實錄印出廳題名記」는 전래하는 가장 오래된 실록청제명기임이 밝혀졌고, 아울러 조선초부터 제명기를 편찬했을 가능성이 있는 것으로 보인다. 다만 「實錄 廳題名記」라 명명하지 않고, 「實錄印出廳題名記」라 명명한 것은 복인한 실록이므로 편찬 과정이 생략되고 인출과 그 후의 작업만 수행했기 때문이다. 이 제명기는 아주 간략한 형태이지만 이를 계승한 이후의 제명기는 보다 자세하게 수록된다.


 1. 緖言
 2. 朝鮮時代의 人名錄
 3. 宣祖 年間 實錄의 複印
 4. 「實錄印出廳題名記」의 意義
 5. 結言


  • 裵賢淑 배현숙. 계명문화대학 서지학전공 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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