

高麗本 「佛說大報父母恩重經」의 校勘에 관한 硏究


A Textual Study on the Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong of Wood-block Printed Book in the Goryeo Dynasty

고려본 「불설대보부모은중경」의 교감에 관한 연구

朴文烈, 金東煥



This study evaluates the historical value of the Goryeo edition of Bulseol-Daebo- Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong which has been possessed at Kwangje Temple, as a cultural asset book. Also a textual study for the original version of Bulseol- Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong was conducted. Results of this study are as follows: (1) As the editions of Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong produced in the Goryeo Period, there are Bulseol-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong published in 1300(the 26th year of King Chungnyeol's reign) and held at Kirim Temple, Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung- Gyeong published in 1378(the 4th year of King Woo's reign) and held at Kirim Temple and Lium Museum, and Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong held at Kwangje Temple, (2) Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong of wood-block printed book at Kwangje Temple, even with a couple of missing volumes, is assumed to have been published at or before 1378 AD, because its style of printing, engravings and illustrations are very similar to Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kirim Temple. (3) When the text of Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong of the Goryeo Dynasty was compared with Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kwangje Temple, there are more than 300 differences in the words and phrases. (4) It is judged that Bulseol-Daebo-Bumo-Eunjung-Gyeong at Kwangje Temple is as valuable as an important cultural asset at the level of treasures.


본 연구는 청원군의 廣濟寺 소장의 高麗本 「佛說大報父母恩重經」의 內容과 版本을 중심으로 原文을 校勘하고 典籍文化財로서의 價値를 고구한 것이다. (1) 「父母恩重經」의 高麗時代 版本으로는 고려 忠烈王 26년(1300)에 간행된 「佛說父 母恩重經」(祇林寺所藏)을 비롯하여 고려 禑王 4년(1378)에 간행된 2가지 「佛說大 報父母恩重經」(祇林寺所藏․리움美術館所藏)과 廣濟寺 所藏의 「佛說大報父母 恩重經」 등이 있다. (2) 廣濟寺 所藏의 「佛說大報父母恩重經」 木版本은 비록 缺落本이는 하나, 그 판식이 나 變相圖는 물론 원문의 교감 등을 통해서 볼 때, 祇林寺 所藏의 「佛說大報父母恩 重經」 木版本과 같은 시기인 1378년(우왕 4, 戊午) 혹은 그 이전에 간행된 목판본인 듯하다. (3) 廣濟寺 所藏의 「佛說大報父母恩重經」을 底本으로 高麗本 「佛說大報父母恩重經」 을 校勘한 결과 무려 300여 곳에서 字句나 語節의 차이가 있었다. (4) 廣濟寺 所藏의 「佛說大報父母恩重經」도 寶物級에 해당하는 典籍文化財로 평가 된다.


 1. 緖言
 2. 「父母恩重經」의 高麗時代 版本
 3. 「佛說大報父母恩重經」의 校勘
 4. 「佛說大報父母恩重經」의 價値
 5. 結論


  • 朴文烈 박문열. 淸州大學校 人文大學 文化情報學部 文獻情報學專攻 敎授
  • 金東煥 김동환. 中部大學校 社會科學大學 文獻情報學科 副敎授


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