Borehole Disposal Concept: A Proposed Option for Disposal of Spent Sealed Radioactive Sources in Tanzania
Borehole Disposal Concept (BDC) was initiated by the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) withthe view to improve the radioactive waste management practices in Africa. At a time when geological disposal ofradioactive waste is being considered, the need to protect ground water from possible radioactive contaminationand the investigation of radionuclides migration through soil and rocks of zone of aeration into ground water hasbecomes very imperative. This is why the Borehole Disposal Concept (BDC) is being suggested to address theproblem. The concept involves the conditioning and emplacement of disused sealed radioactive sources in an engineeredfacility of a relatively narrow diameter borehole (260 mm). Tanzania is operating a Radioactive Waste ManagementFacility where by a number of spent sealed radioactive sources with long and short half lives are stored. The activity of spent sealed radioactive sources range from (1E-6 to 8.8E+3 Ci). However, the long term disposalsolution is still a problem. This study therefore proposing the country to adopt the BDC, since the repository requireslimited land area and has a low probability of human intrusion due to the small footprint of the borehole.
처분공 처분 개념은 아프리카의 방사성폐기물관리 방안의 향상을 위해서 남아프리카에너지주식회사(NECSA)에서 처음으로제시되었다. 초기에 방사성폐기물의 지층처분방안이 고려되었으나, 지하수를 방사성폐기물 오염으로부터 보호하는 방안과토양과 지하 암석의 균열지대를 통한 방사성 물질의 이동에 대한 조사가 불가피하게 필요했다. 이러한 이유로 처분공 처분개념이 연구되었다. 처분공 처분 개념은 폐기된 밀본 선원을 상대적으로 좁은 직경(260 mm)의 처분공 시설을 통해 처리 및처분한다. 탄자니아는 장반감기 및 단반감기의 폐기된 밀봉선원을 방사성폐기물관리시설에 저장하고 있으며 폐기된 밀봉선원의 방사능은 1E-6 Ci 에서 8.8E+3 Ci의 범위로 분포한다. 그러나 영구 처분 문제는 여전히 해결하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 처분부지 면적이 적고, 이에 따라 인간침입 위험이 줄어드는 처분공 처분개념을 제시하였다.
1. Introduction
2. Planning for the BDC
2.1 Public participation:
2.2 Legal and Organizational Framework
2.3 Regulatory process
2.4 National Inventory
3. Conditioning of Spent Sealed Radioactive Sources
4. Conceptual Design and Safety Approach
4.1 Site Location and Description
4.2 Preparation of the Conceptual Design and Safety Assessment for BDC in Tanzania
4.3 Exposure Scenarios for Safety Assessment of the BDC
4.4 Staged Construction of Borehole Disposal
5. Conclussion