

기획특집 : 남도의 장소성과 현재성

전남도청의 풍수입지 해석과 제언


The Analysis and Proposal of The Location of The Jeonnam Province Office on The Viewpoint of Feng Sui

유춘승, 천인호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to evaluate and make proposal of the location of the Jeonnam Province Office which moved from Gwangju Metropolitan City to Namak New Town, Mooan County, Jeonnam Province in 2005 and which stabilized the function of the town to some extent on the viewpoint of feng shui. Recently, local governments have moved by changing their office buildings into new ones:the Jeonbuk Province Office(2005), the Jeonnam Province Office(2005) and Choongnam Province Office(2013). In 2014, the Gyungbook Province Office is to move. The moving of the offices which strengthens urban functional aspects shows that the Goryu and Josun ages attached to the functional aspect than the feng shui function which played an important role in the location and construction of a city. Feng shui is based on the empirical scientific system that has been applied throughout a long history. In particular, it was also used as an important ground for deciding a city, a town site and a village. Namely, the preceding study was published that the traditional locations like Gamyoung, Eupchi and so on as well as Gaegyung and Hanyang, the capitals in the Goryu and Josun ages had been selected and constructed on by means of a feng shui judgment. Now, even feng shui semantic interpretation and suggestion about selecting and developing a new town are being made, but the suggestions and others applying the proper function intrinsic to feng shui are still lacking. The region of Namak where the Jeonnam Province Office was located can be seen as corresponding to the theory of yanggi and feng-shui in the many parts including the baemyun and hyangbae, structure of ipsoomaek, gaejang and chunshim and whether bakhwan or not, meaning from the viewpoint of a hyunggook theory and baesanimsoo, which were involved in sashinsa, a traditional Korean feng shui location theory. On the other hand, joojak which was poorer than joosan, direct flow of water not surrounding the office and the Youngsan River, which is gaeksoo, flowing as bangoongsoo were analyzed as problems. I made some suggestions for maximizing its locational advantages and complementing its locational disadvantages in such an aspect. Through this study, our country will hereafter introduce elements of feng shui in developing a new town or redeveloping a city, locating particular governmental and municipal offices and so on. And it will enable the traditional location theory of feng shui, if served as a ground for judgement, to become a clue for developing into a modern and practicable location theory.


우리 문화의 중요한 비중을 차지하고 있는 풍수는 오랜 역사를 가지고 적용되어 온 경험과학적인 체계를 기반 으로 하고 있으며, 특히 도읍과 읍지, 마을을 정하는데 중요한 근거로 사용되기도 하였다. 본 연구는 최근에 도청이 이전하여 신도시로 개발이 완료된 전남 남악지역에 위치한 전남도청을 중심으로 한 도시구조의 풍수적 해석을 통하여 향후 추가 개발시 기존의 자연환경과 도시계획시설을 보존하거나 보완하여 야 할 사항을 제언하였다. 전남도청이 입지한 남악은 풍수적인 입지 평가를 한다면 전통적인 우리나라의 입지이론인 사신사의 배면과 향배, 배산임수 등 양기적인 풍수의 이론과 많은 부분이 부합된 지역으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 우리 조상의 지 혜롭고 슬기로운 경험학적인 풍수이론을 현대적인 도시계획에서 입지이론으로 응용할 부분이 많다고 본다. 예컨대 전남도청 부지 조성시 작은 동산에 불과한 대죽도를 없애지 않은 것은 도시계획상 그 시사점이 크다고 본다. 이러한 내용들은 앞으로 지방자치단체 등이 관할 행정청을 이전하거나 신축하려 할 때 반드시 고려하여 야 할 주요한 사항이라고 본다. 풍수는 인간과 자연을 함께 아우르는 大同的 차원의 우리 고유의 입지이론이자 환경관리이론이기 때문에 향 후 신도시의 개발이나 재개발에 풍수적인 해석과 판단을 참고할 필요성이 있다.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 풍수의 이론적 배경
 Ⅲ. 전남도청의 풍수입지 해석
 Ⅳ. 전남도청 입지의 풍수적 평가와 제언
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 유춘승 Yu, Choon-Seung. 동방대학원대학교 석박사통합과정(풍수지리학 전공)
  • 천인호 Cheon, In-Hoe. 동방대학원대학교 교수(풍수지리학 전공)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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