

번역교육 관련 연구동향 및 연구과제 고찰 - 교육내용, 수업방법, 평가방식을 중심으로


Current issues in translator training




This paper aims to explore current issues in translator training to further suggest future research topics in this field. Despite its significance in advancing the development of translation studies,research attention on translation and translator pedagogy has beenrelatively scarce. In order to meet the growing needs of researchers andpractitioners in terms of effective teaching methods, this paper offers anoverview of current issues regarding translation education: what toteach, how to teach, with what result. Curriculum-related articles areanalyzed for the issue of what to teach in the translation classroom,and task-based teaching approach is examined to be recommended forefficient translator training. Lastly, major problems and suggestionswith regard to translation assessment are discussed in depth. Acomprehensive literature review and some proposals for future researchin this paper will help fill a void in the literature on translation training.


 I. 서론
 II. 무엇을 가르칠 것인가
 III. 어떻게 가르칠 것인가
 IV. 무엇을 어떻게 평가할 것인가
 V. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 신지선 Shin, Jisun.. 이화여자대학교 통역번역대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1법률텍스트 번역의 특성에 입각한 교육모델 제안earticle 원문 이동
  • 2Applying Translation Quality Assesment Models to Translator Training네이버 원문 이동
  • 3Angelelli, V. (2009). Using a rubric to assess translation ability. In Angelelli, V. & Jacobson, E. (Eds.), Testing and Assessment in Translation and Interpreting Studies: A Call for Dialogue Between Research and Practice (pp. 13-47). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • 4For a New Approach to Translator Training네이버 원문 이동
  • 5Brunette, L. (2000). Towards a terminology for translation quality assessment: A comparison of TQA practices. In Maier, C. (Ed.). Evaluation and Translation (pp. 169-182). Manchester: St. Jerome.
  • 6Chinese-Spanish Translation Studies in Tertiary Institutions in Spain네이버 원문 이동
  • 7Davies, M. G. (2004). Multiple Voices in the Translation Classroom. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • 8A TQM Approach to Translator Training네이버 원문 이동
  • 9Competence-based Curriculum Design for Training Translators네이버 원문 이동
  • 10Kelly, D. (2005). A Handbook for Translator Trainers. Manchester: St. Jerome.
  • 11Discussion, Cooperation, Collaboration네이버 원문 이동
  • 12Kussmaul, P. (1995). Training the Translator. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • 13Can Theory Help Translator and Interpreter Trainers and Trainees?네이버 원문 이동
  • 14Newmark, P. (1991). About Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  • 15Economic Trends and Developments in the Translation Industry네이버 원문 이동
  • 16Natives or Non-natives? That Is the Question …네이버 원문 이동
  • 17Reiss, K. (2000). Translation Criticism, The Potentials & Limitations: Categories and criteria for translation quality assessment. Manchester: St. Jerome.
  • 18Translator Training in the European Higher Education Area네이버 원문 이동
  • 19Waddington, C. (2001). Different Methods of Evaluating Student Translations: The Question of Validity. Meta, 46(2), 311-325.
  • 20Zeng, M. & Lu-Chen, J. (2002). Task-based translator training, quality assessment, and the WWW. Teaching Translation and Interpreting 4: Building Bridges (pp. 59-64). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

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