

Characteristics of the SFCL by turn-ratio of three-phase transformer



According to the increase of electric consumption nowadays, power system becomes complicated. Due to this, the size of single line-to-ground fault from power system also increases to have many problems. In order to resolve these problems effectively, an Superconducting Fault Current Limiter(SFCL) was proposed and continuous study has been done. In this paper, an SFCL was combined to the neutral line of a transformer. An superconductivity has the characteristics of zero resistance below critical temperature. because of this, SFCL has nearly zero resistance. so we connecting SFCL to neutral line will not only have any loss in the normal operation but also have the less burden of electric power because of only limiting the initial fault current. We analyzed the characteristics of current, voltage according to the changes of turn ratio of 3 phase system in case of combinations of an SFCL to the neutral line. It was confirmed that the limiting rate of initial fault current by the increase of turn ratio was reduced.


  3.1. Np:NS:NT=3:2:1
  3.2. Np:NS:NT=3:2:2
  3.3. Np:NS:NT=3:2:3


  • I. S. Jeong Chosun University,GwangJu, Korea
  • H. S. Choi Chosun University,GwangJu, Korea
  • B. I. Jung Chosun University,GwangJu, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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