

Electromagnetic design of 10 MW class superconducting wind turbine using 2G HTS wire



This paper introduces design processes of 10 MW class superconducting generator for wind Turbine. Superconducting generator can produce 5 times stronger magnetic field than permanent magnet at least, which enables large scale wind turbine to function as a lighter, smaller and more highly efficient system. These processes are targeted for higher efficiency and shorter high temperature superconductor (HTS) wires to fabricate 10 MW class superconducting generator. Three different approaches will be described in these design processes. First design process focuses on the number of rotor poles. Secondly, 270 and 360 A operating current of superconducting field coil can be adapted as a design parameter in this process. Lastly, 3 and 6 kV line to line voltage of stator coil will be used to design 10 MW class superconducting generator.


 4. Conclusions


  • J. H. Kim Jeju National University, Jeju
  • H. M. Kim Jeju National University, Jeju


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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