

애먼즈의 『코슨즈 만』: 새로운 시적 비전


A. R. Ammons' "Corsons Inlet": The New Poetic Vision


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper attempts to delineate A. R. Ammons' poetic vision focussing on “Corsons Inlet,” a well known and most frequently anthologized poem. I would wish to contend that Ammoms puts most of his fundamental themes and the motifs of his poetry, in general, throughout this particular poem.
The three important points discussed in this paper are as follows. First, in “Corsons Inlet,” Ammons embodies his poetics of action: poetry is action or poetry is a walk. This metaphor is significant in that it suggests Ammons' idea of poetry as an embodiment of visible referential realities. In other words, Ammons endeavors to merge seeing and thinking into this poem. Thus, he attempts to avoid his poetry to become too abstract. Second, Ammons often observes objects of the world scientifically and draws the ontological status of each individual object. Third, Ammons assumes that every single object is a part of the whole and draws his theory of “one: many” mechanism. The idea is directly related with the eco-consciousness which accepts the idea that the human world and the nonhuman world are not separated but, to the contrary, are interrelated.
The above mentioned poetic vision is extended and more delicately treated in many of Ammons' later poetry such as Garbage(1993), Brink Road(1996), and Glare(1997) in which Ammons ever seeks to put referential reality and biocentric perception into his poetry. Thus, “Corsons Inlet,” I would suggest, is the epitome of Ammons' poetry.


  • 이광운 Lee, Kwang-Woon. 대구가톨릭대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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