Countless security and defense systems require an accurate Angle of Arrival (AOA) detection for incoming signals. Angle of Arrival (AOA) estimation is basic procedure required by several monitoring and tracking systems for security applications and other defense purposes. In this paper, a combined OFDM system and bandpass sampling method using Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm for automatic (angle of arrival) AOA tracking is discussed. And we propose a new method that adding (time division multiplexing) TDM with bandpass sampling in the same time to avoid interference due to RF filter characteristics. Also, we consider Doppler effect for the targets’ movement in mobile environment and after compensating the Doppler effect with a valid range, the system performances well. Simulation results show that the performances of MUSIC spectrum for AOA due to various conditions and demonstrates the accuracy of AOA estimations.
1. Introduction
2. System Model
2.1. OFDM Signal and Multi-Antenna Receiver
2.2. Angle of Arrival Detection using MUSIC
3. Doppler Effect and Compensation
4. Proposed Bandpass Sampling
4.1. Existing Method
4.2. Proposed Structure
5. Simulation and Discussion
6. Conclusion