

영어의 철자와 발음의 규칙성 및 활용방안 : 영어 1음절어를 중심으로


Regularity in English Spelling-Sound System & Its Applicability : Based on Monosyllables




Since Sir Thomas Smith(1514-57) wrote the first printed proposal for English spelling reform (published in 1568), many proposals for English spelling reform have been made during the last 400 years. Educators, philologists, and spelling reformers have joined in the assault on the “antiquated,” “inconsistent,” and “illogical” spelling since English spelling does not fit to a one-letter-one sound system. During last two decades, however, much important work based on Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle's Generative Phonolgy has been done on the study of English orthography and has showed that the spelling-sound correspondences become generally regular when certain graphemic and morphophonemic features such as syllables and stresses are observed even though the correspondences appear to be irregular if only the letters and their pronunciations are considered.
The purpose of this paper is to study the regularity in English spelling-sound system by analyzing the spelling-sound correspondences found in English monosyllables and to make suggestion for its applicability to English teaching, Romanizing Korean personnel names, and future English spelling reform.


I. 서론
 II. 영어 철자와 발음간의 규칙성에 대한 논란
  2.1 불규칙성에 대한 주장
  2.2 규칙성에 대한 주장
 III. 영어의 모음자 표기의 특징
 IV. 영어의 자음자 표기의 특징
 V. 결론 : 영어 철자와 발음간 규칙성의 활용방안
 부록 1: 영어철자와 발음을 기초한 한글 성씨의 로마자 표기 :
 부록 2: 영어철자와 발음을 기초한 한자이름의 로마자 표기 :


  • 양병선 Yaang, Byung-Sun. University of Washington / 전주대


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