

New Construction of Efficient Hierarchical Identity Based Signature in the Standard Model



In this paper, we propose a new efficient hierarchical identity based signature (HIBS) scheme. Our scheme can be proven probably secure based on a natural hardness assumption (i.e. h-exponent computational diffie-hellman problem (h-CDH)) in the standard model. Our scheme only requires three pairing computations in verification, which has no relations with the hierarchy. Our scheme has constant signature size, and the length of a user's private key is shrinking as the depth increases. Most importantly, our scheme is non-public-verifiable. Only the specified recipient can verify the signature, which is very important for some private communications.


 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
  2.1. Bilinear Maps
  2.2. Outline of HIBS Scheme
  2.3. Complexity Assumption
  2.4. Security Notions of Existential Unforgeability
 3. The Construction of the New HIBS Scheme
 4. Security Analysis
  4.1. Correctness
  3.2. Security Proof of Existential Unforgeability
 5. Efficiency Analysis
 6. Conclusions


  • He Liu Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing, 100044, P. R. China
  • Sijia Wang Beijing Huada Infosec Technology Co.,Ltd Beijing, 100044, P. R. China
  • Mangui Liang Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing, 100044, P. R. China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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