

Risk Assessment and Classification of Focusing SLA Requirement in Cloud Computing



Cloud computing become more and more eye-catching these days. Each big company in IT areas hurries to win a chunk of meat which promises to be a whopping market in future. What make sense is advantages are inevitably accompanied by disadvantages. Subsequently, risks in cloud are also more and more compelling to people. This paper studies and researches on an array of experienced literature, presents an integrated risks table based on the risk key factors of cloud computing, and gives a comprehensive description for every risk. In the meanwhile, it gives a verification and validation for these risks under the comparison with SLA requirements.


 1. Introduction
 2. A concept of Cloud Computing and Security Environment
 3. Integrated Cloud Risk Table and Risk
  3.1. Technology Problems
  3.2. Trust Problems
  3.3. Data Problems
  3.4. Compliance Problems
  3.5. Measurability Problems
 4. Verification and Validation
  4.1. SLA Verification
  4.2. Instance Verification
 5. Conclusion


  • Yasheng Pang Department of Information Management, Dongguk University
  • YouJin Song Department of Information Management, Dongguk University
  • JangMook Kang Electronic Commerce Research Institute, Dongguk University
  • Jae-Kwan Yun Real&Emotion Sense Convergence Service Research Section Smart Green Life Research DepartmentIT Convergence Technology Research Laboratory Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instutite(ETRI)


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