

Design of Internal Traffic Checkpoint of Security Checkpoint Model in the Cloud Computing




In this study, we proposed design of internal traffic checkpoint in security checkpoint model for preventing security threats. Our architected security checkpoint model is a system that performs firstly check process on all incoming traffic from outside network. And it identifies almost threats and prevents them for protecting a cloud computing resources. The security checkpoint model consists of three components such as incoming traffic checkpoint, internal traffic checkpoint, and host-based threat checkpoint. The proposed model checks the safety of incoming traffic and binary file, and tracks traffic including threat factors. And it also judges threat traffics on system and storage. In this paper, we focused on structure, inspection procedures and functions of internal traffic checkpoint. Internal traffic checkpoint is important because it blocks threat traffic into internal network and ensures stable and reliable traffics.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Cloud Computing
  2.2. Security Requirements
 3. Security Checkpoint Model
 4. Internal Traffic Checkpoint
  4.1. Design of Internal Traffic Checkpoint
  4.2. Quarantine Process of Internal Traffic Checkpoint
 5. Conclusion


  • Jung ho Eom Military Studies, Daejeon University
  • Min woo Park School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University


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