

비유언어의 의미 번역 연구 : 영한 성경 번역을 중심으로


A Study on Translating Methods of Figurative Language - An Analysis of the English and Korean Versions of Bible


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to analyze the function and the characteristics of ‘Figures of Language’ in the English and Korean versions of Bible. And it also aims at showing how the ‘figures of language’ should be translated into the Korean language without any misunderstanding of Korean Bible receptors.
This paper emphasizes dynamic equivalence rather than formal equivalence in the process of translation. Dynamic equivalence is based on the principle of equivalent effect in the target text. In other words, dynamic equivalence focuses on the idea that the relationship between target culture readers and the message should be close to the relationship between the original readers and the message as possible. Formal equivalence, however is to allow target culture readers to understand as much of the source language context as possible.
For the study, the examples of ‘figures of language’ are taken from the Bible, which contains plentiful ‘figures of language.’ For developing a translation method, a theory of textuality is also considered.
The metaphor, simile and euphemism as a figures of language make the point that 'figures of language varies with the differences between cultures. That is to say, some figures of speech can be accepted with different meanings according to different languages. Therefore, translators must consider even ‘figures of language’ of target culture. When the Bible is translated with dynamic equivalence, not with formal equivalence, target text receptors come to understand the Bible clearly without any kind of misunderstanding.


I. 서론
 II. 성경의 은유가 오해를 야기하는 경우
  II-1. 해당 표현에 나오는 이미지를 버리고 번역하는 경우
  II-2. 화제(topic)가 암시적인 경우
  II-3. 유사점이 암시적인 경우
  II-4. 은유적 의미가 수용언어에서 어색한 경우
  II-5. 원문 청자 조차 잘못 이해했던 비유 번역 방법
 III. 완곡어법 번역
 IV. 결론


  • 박노철 Park, Noh-Chul. 총신대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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