

Performance Comparison of Identity Based Encryption and Identity Based Signature



Dependence on a public key infrastructure (PKI) is the prominent obstructer in the path of following a public key cryptography widespread, which is held together among various users. In order to ensure authenticated communication, encryption and signature key pair must be generated by each senders and receivers. Apart from this, request along with the proof of identity should also be submitted to the Certificate Authority (CA) and receive CA-Signed certificates, so that it can be used to authenticate one another and exchange encrypted message while limitations of this is that it consumes more time and is error-prone as well. So to get rid of this menace we need to explore few alternatives which will not ask about certificates for encryption and signature verification. Thus, we identify that identity based cryptography approach is one of the robust alternative feature. Using this Characteristic we will be able to overcome the complexity of a cryptography system to a greater extent by ignoring use of generating and managing user’s certificates. Integer factorization, quadratic residue and bilinear pairing are the parameters on the basis of which we review the identity based cryptographic primitive. To make sure how it works several major proposals for identity based encryption schemes and identity based signature schemes has been explored along with their performance comparisons.


 1. Introduction
 2. Definition of Identity Based Encryption
 3. Security model for Identity Based Encryption Schemes
 4. Identity Based Encryption Schemes
  4.1. Boneh and Franklin’s IBE
  4.2. Sakai and Kasahara’s IBE
  4.3. Cocks’ IBE
  4.4. Authenticated IBE
 5. Performance Comparison of IBE Schemes
 5.1. Performance Comparison on Encryption Algorithm and Computational Cost
 6. Definition of Identity Based Signature
 7. Security model for Identity Based Signature Scheme
 8. Identity Based Signature Schemes
  8.1. Shamir’s Identity Based Signature
  8.2. Hess’s Identity Based Signature
  8.3. Cha-Cheon’s Identity Based Signature
  8.4. Barreto’s Identity Based Signature
 9. Performance Comparison of IBS Schemes on Computational Cost
 10. Conclusions


  • Arjun Kumar Dept. of Ubiquitous IT, Dongseo University
  • HoonJae Lee Dept. of Communication and Information Engg., Dongseo University, Busan


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