

A TWS3CDM based Marking Policy in DiffServ Networks



Previous marking policy for the AF service of TCP traffic in the Diffserv network has no sufficient consideration on the effect of RTT and target rate of TCP connections. In this paper, in order to improve fairness index of TCP flows, we propose the TSW3CDM_FS(Time Sliding Window Three Color Dynamic Marker with Flow Status) based on average transfer rate estimation. The proposed algorithm is based on dynamic marking policy that allocates band-width in proportion to transmission rate of flows. We implement the proposed marking policy and evaluate the performance of the proposed marking policy by a computer simulation using NS2. From simulation results, the TSW3CDM_FS algorithm improves fairness index by comparison with TSW3CM.


 1. Introduction
 2. Proposed Marking
  2.1 Status Controller
  2.2 Dynamic Marking Policy
 3. Performance Evaluation
 4. Conclusions


  • Byun-Gon Kim School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Kunsan National University, Kunsan, Korea
  • Kwan-Woong Kim Thunder Technology Director in Digital Signal Processing Team, ChonJu, Korea
  • Tae-Su Jang School of Electrical and Information Communication Engineering, Wonkwang University, Iksan Korea
  • Yong-Kab Kim School of Electrical and Information Communication Engineering, Wonkwang University, Iksan Korea


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