

An Improved MITM Attack Against NTRU



Various attacks against NTRU have been proposed without ideal effects. To cut down the huge time complexity, this paper proposed a quantum mechanical meet-in-the-middle attack method against NTRU. Our method managed to combine the advantages of Meet-in-the-middle attack and the Grover quantum searching algorithm. Our evaluation reveals that the time complexity dropped dramatically comparing with classical meet-in-the-middle attacks, with the same space complexity. Our method also decreases time complexity comparing with Wang’s attacking algorithm dramatically, with the cost of space complexity. Main variants of NTRU were also studied


 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
  2.1. Meet-In-The-Middle Attack on NTRU Private Key
  2.3. Wang’s Attack for NTRU
 3. A Quantum MITM Attack Against NTRU
  3.1. Algorithm Describe
  3.2. Algorithm Evaluation
 4. Attack Against Main NTRU Variants
  4.1. NTRU-1998
  4.2. NTRU-2001
  4.3. NTRU-2005
 5. Conclusions


  • Zhijian Xiong Institute of Command Automation, PLA University of Science and Technology
  • Jinshuang Wang Institute of Command Automation, PLA University of Science and Technology
  • Yanbo Wang Institute of Communication Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology
  • Tao Zhang Institute of Command Automation, PLA University of Science and Technology
  • Liang Chen Institute of Communication Engineering, PLA University of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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