

실제적 자료(Authentic Materials)를 활용한 영어학습 동기 향상방안


A Study of Improving Motivation for Learning English through Authentic Materials


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Motivation is the most overlooked aspect of instructional strategy, and perhaps the most critical element needed for language learners. A factor that plays a significant role in reading is motivation. A potentially motivating and interesting text can give readers motivation to continue their efforts to overcome a lack of content schema for a particular text. Authentic materials enliven the classroom and are a powerful motivating factor through enjoyment. We can generally predict readers will have a higher motivation to read about current social issues that have a strong potential effect on them. In this particular case, the selected text deals with an issue that has been the source of so much attention and interest in Korean and foreign newspapers - ‘2002 FIFA World Cup Korea Japan.’At the end of the semester, a brief five-point Likert scale questionnaire was conducted among the 30 students enrolled in the class of ‘Understanding International Society.’ The five questions asked to the students represented Keller's ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) Model. Over 90% answered positively to the questions. Motivation promotes the retention of foreign language skills after study ends, largely because motivated students will tend to use the language during the subsequent period. As learners may be weary of such traditional methodology, teachers should try and relate the learner's prior knowledge in new textual situations to help learners make useful generalizations about language. Learners are then assessing what they have already learned and seeing how items can be used in authentic material, getting to be motivated to learn and use them in the real world at last.


 Works Cited


  • 성일호 Sung, Il-Ho. 원광대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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