

국내 시판중인 소아용 의약품에 함유된 타르색소의 표기실태 조사 연구


Investigation on the Current Labelling Trend of Tar Color Additives in Infant's Drugs Marketed in Korea

김광준, 방준석, 이원재

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: This paper was aimed to investigate the current labelling trend of tar color additives in infant’s drugs used in Korea and other countries. Method: The current labelling system of the tar color additives in infant's drugs was investigated using inserted papers for drug information of infant’s drugs as well as three drug information internet sites popular in Korea including internet sites of foreign countries of USA, UK, Japan, and China for infant’s drug information. Results: Among 325 drugs registered as syrup form for infant’s drugs (sources, http://www.health.kr), 4 drugs indicated tar color related information on the internet and only 2 drugs indicated tar color additives’ name. And from the investigated results of 76 inserted papers for infant’s drug information, among 31 drugs containing tar dyes, in only 19 drugs the tar color additives’ names were notated. Among 6 drugs which do not contain tar dyes, only 1 drug was notated as ‘Dye-Free’. Conclusion: For advanced labelling system in Korea, we proposed the below guidelines. [1] The name of tar color additives used in infant’s drugs should be notated even in drug information on internet sites. [2] All drug ingredients used in infant’s drugs need to be separately notated as active and inactive species on both internet sites and inserted papers. [3] ‘Dye-Free’ notation should be mandatory for infant’s drugs which do not contain tar color additives in drug information on the internet sites as well as inserted papers.


  국내 인터넷 의약정보 사이트 조사
  의약품 포장내 제품설명서의 조사
  미국에서의 소아용 의약품 중 타르색소 사용 여부의 표기실태
 고찰 및 결론


  • 김광준 Kwang Joon Kim. 조선대학교 약학대학
  • 방준석 Joon Seok Bang. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원
  • 이원재 Wonjae Lee. 조선대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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