

Rituximab 주입관련 부작용발생 및 위험인자 분석


Rituximab Infusion-related Adverse Events and Risk Factors

이은정, 김영주, 이정연

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: This study aimed to identify the status and risk factors of rituximab infusion-related adverse events (ADE) in rituximab-naïve patients with cancer diseases. Method: A retrospective analysis using electronic medical records review was conducted. Inclusions were patients with a diagnosis of cancer disease with the initiation of rituximabincluded treatment who were naïve to rituximab during January 2011 to March 2013 at National Cancer Center (NCC) in Korea. Result: Total 110 patients, 582 cases of rituximab administrations, were reported in the study. About 57.2% of patients were 51-70 years old and evenly distributed between two genders and 72.7% were BMI less than 25 kg/m2. All of study patients were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Fifty patients (45.4%) and 54 cases (9.3%) were experienced rituximab infusion-related AEs even with conservative administration protocol at NCC. The most frequently occurring AEs were shivering followed by rash and itching. In single variant analysis, we found that the early stage of NHL, low exposure to rituximab administrations, high white blood cell counts, high lymphocyte counts, high absolute neutrophil count and low lactate dehydrogenase were associated with infusion-related AEs (p<0.05). The early stage of disease, high lymphocyte counts, low exposure to rituximab administrations were also related significantly with AEs in multiple variants analysis (p<0.05). Conclusion: Rituximab infusion-related AEs for patients who were naïve to rituximab were still a concern with conservative administration protocol. The adverse drug reactions were significantly associated with early stage of NHL, higher lymphocyte counts and low exposure to rituximab administrations. The factors need to be considered with close monitoring to prevent rituximab infusion-related AE.


  연구대상 및 자료수집
  통계 분석 방법
  환자 특성
  Rituximab 주입 관련 부작용 발생 현황
  위험인자 분석
 고찰 및 결론


  • 이은정 Eun Jung Lee. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원, 국립암센터 약제부
  • 김영주 Young Joo Kim. 국립암센터 약제부
  • 이정연 Sandy J Rhie. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원, 이화여자대학교 약학대학 생명약학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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