

생활스포츠편 : 자연과학영역

임신 중 알코올 투여에서 태어난 새끼 쥐의 유산소 운동이 해마 치상회의 세포사멸과 신경세포생성에 미치는 영향


Effects of aerobic exercise on neurogenesis and apoptosis of hippocampal dentate gyrus in offspring born from maternal alcohol injection

박준기, 구연원, 이삼준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Postnatal rat offspring born from prenatal alcohol-intoxiciated pups during pregnancy leads to apoptosis or inhibitation of neurigenesis, which eventually causes neurological impairments. In the present study, the effects of endurance exercise on the level of apoptosis and cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus following fetal alcohol syndrome in Sprague-Dawley rats were investigated. Adult female Sprague– Dawley rats weighing 220±10 g were used in the experiment. Total 60 female rats were mated in pairs with adult 30 male Sprague–Dawley rats weighing 300±10g for 48h. After mating, the female rats were housed individually in a plastic home cage. After confirmation of pregnancy, the pups borned from female rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control group, fetal alcohol-treated group, fetal alcohol-treated and moderate-intensity exercise group, and fetal alcohol-treated and swimming exercise group(n=20, respectively). The exercise groups were made to run on a treadmill running and swimming for 60 min per day for 14 consecutive days. Apoptotic cell death in the hippocampal dentrate gyrus was measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling(TUNEL) and caspase-3 staining, and cell neurogenesis was detected by 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine(BrdU) immunohistochemistry. It was shown that apoptosis and cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus were significantly increased following prenatal alcohol injection in Sprague–Dawley rats and that treadmill exercise and swimming suppressed the alcohol-induced increase of apoptosis and cell neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. The present results suggest that treadmill exercise and swimming may protect neurons from apoptotic death and aids in recovery from the central nervous system sequelae following fetal alcohol syndrome.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ . 연구방법
  1. 실험동물
  2. 운동방법
  3. 알코올농도의 측정
  4. 뇌 적출 및 조직처리
  5. 조직염색
  6. 자료 처리
 Ⅲ . 결과
  1. 혈중 알코올 농도
  2. DNA 분절의 TUNEL-양성세포에 대한 유산소 운동의 효과
  3. 세포사멸에서의 Caspase-3의 발현에 대한 유산소 운동의 효과
  4. 해마 DG에서의 유산소 운동에 따른 신경세포생성의 발현
 Ⅳ. 논의


  • 박준기 Park, Joon-Ki. 인천대학교
  • 구연원 Koo, Yeon-Won. 한국 폴리텍1 서울 정수대학
  • 이삼준 Lee, Sam-Jun. 동명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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