

한국 영화의 장르 진화와 향후 방향성에 관한 연구


Study on a New Direction of Future Plans and Genre Evolution of Korean Films


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From its start as a public curiosity for displaying a few moments of black and white soundless footage of “actualities”, film slowly developed diversity of genre and creatively over the following decades into a major financial enterprise. The Study on flow Evolution of genre in Korea Movie and the investigation into a New Direction of the it. Therefore, the researcher to investigate for the diversification of genre in korea movie to analysis the acceptance phase of the notion of genre and processing of diversification of genre. As a result, It was able to realize the notion of genre has been changing with the values of the time and audience of expectation. It is also, Prior to the 1950s, that reflects well on the notion of genre and at that time, Critics was beginning to get the energy of the notion of genre. It also led the way to a new, more advanced cinema. They settled down to a discussion of the genre of movie at the 1990s and based on analysis of it is formed from the discussion. This diversity is a breath of fresh air into the movie. But the diversity was reduced at the 2000s, The problem was the result of big companies have repeatedly produced a success genre. Therefore, The study suggested a rescue plan to investigate for the diversification of genre in korea movie.


1. 서론
  1.1. 연구의 배경과 목적
  1.2. 연구 방법 및 범위
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1. 장르로서의 영화
  2.2. 한국 영화 장르 구분의 역사
 3. 한국 영화 장르 다양성의 영향 요인
  3.1. 외부적 요인
  3.2. 내부적 요인
 4. 한국 영화 장르의 발전을 위한 제언
 5. 결론


  • 이호규 Lee, Ho-Gyu. 경산대학교 방송연예연기과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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