

스타니슬랍스키의 전통을 잇는 러시아 서브리멘닉극장


Soveremennik Theatre in Russia Inheriting the Tradition of Stanislavski


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Characters are the representations of various ages and the spokespersons of people in the corresponding age. Since the rise of realism, natural acting and characters of similarity created sympathy with people through reality. The Russian psychological inner acting school won a worldwide fame for K. S. Stanislavsky’s system and the system is being utilized actively in acting education. Although this system is being popularized, however, we often see cases that actors and actresses concentrate on emotion instead of utilizing the system efficiently in building up the character of their roles. Thus, this study focused on role creation in staged scenes centering on actresses at the Sovremennik Theatre in Moscow, which is the aesthetic mirror of Russian contemporary drama continuing the line of Stanislavski in the 19th century. Taking as examples the successful role creation by three actresses from different generations Marina Neyolova, Elena Yakovleva and Chulpan Khamatova, we identified maine lements as follows. Identified elements include the super-objectives of characters, through actions, sub-texts, character and character building based on characteristic specificity, adaptation, and inner creative state. All the parts of the system may be basic to contemporary actors and actresses, but accurate analysis and character create the inner and outer creative states of actors and actresses feeling and moving autonomously in situations. The usefulness of Stanislavsky’s system should be recognized and utilized actively not only in basic acting but also in various role creations. Soveremennik Theatre, which searches for Stanislavski's system and method of physical actions and creates the representations of time fit for his persevering challenging spirit and the contemporary age, must be the genuine heritage of Stanislavski.


1. 들어가며1)
 2. 스타니슬랍스키 시스템
 3. 서브리멘닉극장
  1) 스타니슬랍스키 제자들이 세운 서브리멘닉극장의 행보
  2) 세여배우들-마리아 네욜로바, 엘레나 야꼬블레바(Елена Яковлева)21),출빤 하마또바(Чулпан Хаматова)
  3) 텍스트분석
  4) 성격구축에서 성격성
 4. 나가며


  • 남명지 Nam, Myung-Ji. 동서울대학교 겸임교수, 중앙대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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