The purpose of this paper is to account for the binding properties of English reflexives in DPs under the feature checking approach in Chomsky's (1995b) minimalist framework. We assume that a reflexive has a deficient referent feature (i.e., [DR]) to be checked, and the ø-features of a reflexive have to be compatible with those of the antecedent. On the basis of this definition of the reflexive, we propose that the functional category D attracts [DR] feature of a reflexive in DP if D c-commands the reflexive. In this attracted position, the [DR] feature may enter into a checking relation with a sublabel of D, namely, the affixal [R] feature. Given this assumption, we can provide an explanation why LF reflexive in DP attraction is forced and an independent condition for reflexives can be removed from the Binding Theory.
Ⅱ. DP-Hypothesis
Ⅲ. Attract-F and [DR] Feature Checking
1. Attract-F and Uninterpretable Features
2. [DR] Feature Checking of Reflexives
Ⅳ. Application
1. Picture-NP reflexives
2. Possessive Reflexives
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