

소망의 시학: 브라우닝의 「사울」연구


Poetics of Hope: A Study of Browning's “Saul”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Robert Browning shows us the bright nature of God through some of his works. Also he presents optimistic view of life which God would give. There can be seen hope and optimism of Christian doctrine in “Saul” and “A Death in the Desert.” In “A Grammarian's Funeral” and “Old Pictures in Florence” are found an ultimate hope for life to come and a real desire in this world. Of these works, “Saul” is most prominent in the sense that it gives the central idea of Christianity, the gospel. In the center of gospel doctrine, Jesus Christ stands. He is the way, the truth and the life, says “Saul.”Progression means hope in human life. Man hopes to be near God as well as to succeed in attaining moral aims in this world. It would not be easier to get this goal than we anticipated. Therefore, the human history is filled with conflict, frustration and distress. “Saul” points out that there cannot be any answer for improving and renewing human history except Jesus Christ. This poem is like a pious sermon about the evangelical message. By “Saul” Browning shows us that his optimism tends to depend on evangelism throughly.




  • 문영수 Moon, Young-soo. 호원대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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