

An Action Based Access Control Model for Multi-level Security



The new computing modes, such as mobile computing, distributed computing, cloud computing and ubiquitous computing, etc., have brought about diversification and open features to the expression, exchange and access of computer network information. The multi-level security management is widely used in operation systems and information management systems. Focus on the multi-level security problem in various network environments, this paper defines the security identity, environment and temporal state of object, based on the ABAC (Action Based Access Control), and shows the security level, access scope and the demand of environment and temporal state of accessing subject, then proposes a multi-level security access control mechanism .Finally, an application example is given.


 1. Introduction
 2. Action based Access Control for Multi-level Security
  2.1. Action based Access Control Model
  2.2. Action based Access Control Model for Multi-level Security
 3. An Example
 4. Conclusion


  • Mang Su National Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Network, Xidian University
  • Fenghua Li Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Guozhen Shi Department of Electronic Engineering, Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute
  • Li Li Department of Electronic Engineering, Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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