

SPA: Self-certi¯ed PKC-based Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks



As an important component of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), vehicular ad hoc networks can provide safer and more comfortable driving circumstance for the drivers. Pseudonyms certificate and group-oriented signature are two most widely adopted privacy- preserving technique in VANET. However, the two methods exists many efficiency flaws which affect their application. To overcome the above problems which exist in the above two methods. In this paper, we propose a novel privacy-preserving authentication protocols based on self-certified signature. And we show that our scheme can achieve conditional privacy-preserving and is proven be secure in the random oracle. Furthermore, the scheme has the following advantages: short length of the signature and low computation.


 1: Introduction
 2: Preliminaries
  2.1: Objectives
  2.2: Bilinear map and security assumption
 3: Our privacy-preserving authentication scheme
 4: Security analysis
 5: Conclusion


  • Jianhong Zhang College of Science, North China University of Technology
  • Yuanbo Cui College of Science, North China University of Technology
  • Zhipeng Chen College of Science, North China University of Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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